Our Services

Your Biography provides a wide range of biography and life writing services designed to meet the unique scope of your project and budget. Biography projects can range from support and encouragement for those who wish to write their autobiography to a commercially produced biography of a friend or family member, see our published biography books.
Life Stories and Legacies
Today, publishing life stories and memoirs has become one of the most popular ways to remember and share your experience of life and what it means to you. Written in the first person and in your unique style, we help you recall the people, experiences, achievements that have been most important in your life. We capture the most remarkable things, the turning points, and all the everyday things that have defined the way you live. Through a number of recorded interviews, we listen to your memories and how you felt about them then, and now, and write them up into a coherent and entertaining story. We also help you reflect on your memories and identify the life lessons you have learned and values you want to pass on. We then add the photographs, and any favourite quotes, music and humour to include in a draft manuscript for your review and editing before the final copy is ready for printing. We can also include a video or audio recording of your favourite stories.
Sometimes called an Ethical Wills, a Legacy Letter captures your values, experiences and philosophy on your life lessons and the wisdom you want share with loved ones. It can also express gratitude, explanations, forgiveness and hopes for the future. Many people include a legacy letter in their will to be read after they die but more often now, people are sharing their values and aspirations on the birth of a child, a special birthday or other important milestone. We can help you reflect upon and write your personal legacy and thereby ensure you can ‘pass on your values, not just your valuables’ directly to future generations.
Biographies and family histories
Biographies and family histories are more traditional ways of detailing and recording a person’s or a family’s life together.
Our biographies are written in the third person and generally include details of the previous generations and family origins, and all the important milestones and relationships in chronological order from the cradle to the present, or to the grave if the subject has died.
We also like to include the stories and the experiences that have been life-shaping and allow time and space for reflecting and sharing the lessons learned. We capture all the biographical information and stories by interview and complete an illustrated manuscript for you to review and edit before it is ready for publication.
Writing support and publishing
For independent writers who just need some help to get started or to complete a project, Your Biography offers consulting sessions. Through in-person meetings, phone or email, we can help explore options, clarify purpose and provide all manner of support needed for those writing an autobiography, biography or family history.
Your Biography is a registered publisher and can turn your biography or history into a book, eBook or audio-visual format in any quantity. For books in particular, our production team can advise on your options regarding design and formatting, paper size and quality, cover types and printing methods that best suit your project and your budget.
Next Steps
As every project is unique, you will need to contact us for more details. We can then arrange a complimentary meeting to get to know each other and explore all our options before preparing a detailed proposal for your consideration.
To start sharing your story, please contact Your Biography today by phoning 0425 770 605 or emailing Gillian at
yourbiography@optusnet.com.au, or see our Contact page.
​Your Biography is a founding member of Life Stories Australia Inc, the Australian Association of Life Story professionals. Find out more here www.lifestoriesaustralia.com.au.